How to make your brand sound like a human?

The other day, I watched a wonderful talk from Anna Pickard, who is Slack’s Director of Brand Communications. The talk is called “How to make brands sound human?” It was amazing and insightful, so go check it out if you have the time. Even though she’s focused on the tone and voice of brands, I think her points make a lot of sense to branding overall. All in all, she has amazing insight on branding.

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Jennifer Wisniewski on how brands can leverage Instagram stories.

In this interview, we’re speaking with Jennifer Wisnewski – a long-time digital designer and interaction visionary who focuses on designing websites, apps and developing brands – about how brands can leverage Instagram stories. 

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Why should small companies care about social capital?

Some experts, including Tristan Claridge, say that social capital is what distinguishes successful companies from the rest. I think Tristan is onto something. That’s because when a company possesses social capital it posses a network of supporters. Those supporters can come in a verity of forms from partnerships, employees and investors to press, influencers and, most importantly, paying customers.

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Why striving for happy clients is paramount to growth?

Have you ever thought about making your clients happy into a proper business goal? Customer satisfaction through improved customer experience is a beneficial business objective. At the end of the day, most businesses need happy clients in order to sustain themselves. There are numerous benefits of keeping client happiness as a business metric that we’ll dive into throughout this article.

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Reliable fundamentals on selling to your target audience

This one is for all of you who are struggling to find more ideal clients umongs your target audience. People are everywhere. It’s knowing the best place to show up and get them to be interested and to convert. That’s the overwhelming part, isn’t it? I understand that. So, let’s go over the plan to figure out how to know exactly where to show up and how to grab your target audience’s attention.

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The best growth hack: focus on your target audience

The best way to make meaningful connections and relationships is to focus all your energy on yourself. Right? Wong. Very wrong. The same applies to companies and their branding. The fact of the matter is that in order to build a successful business you should put the focus on your target audience instead of yourself. It will take you significantly further. Just as we don’t like meeting people in real life who only seem to talk about themselves, we don’t care for companies who do the same thing either.

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4 overlooked reasons why brands with strong stories thrive

Emily Esfahani Smith writes, “Stories are particularly essential when it comes to defining our identity – understanding who we are and how we got that way.” She’s talking about people and our personal identities. Here’s the thing though, when it comes to business, it’s no different. When we meet someone, we often ask questions and inquire about them to get to know them better. We look to see if this is someone we could get along with and connect with. Again, business is no different. That’s precisely why brands with strong stories thrive. Shall we explore how?

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3 growth benefits of understanding your target audience

Identifying your target audience helps your business in a multitude of ways, such as helping you create the most effective marketing campaigns. Additionally, it can have a significant effect on your branding. Knowing who you’re trying to serve with your company will allow you to target, connect and convert clients and customers much more easily. It gives you a clearer idea in which direction to shift your business focus and efforts to as well.

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4 tips for creating authentic branding

I’m sure as an online business owner you’ve asked yourself how to stand out from the crowd and gain recognition among your target audience. The not so secret way is to channel your authentic self, story and the purpose of why you started your business. Whether we’re talking about your overall brand, your website, landing pages, webinars blog post, even social media, speaking your message from the heart is a great way to express yourself authentically. Let’s call this branding from the heart as authentic branding.

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Part two: 11 more ways to drive more traffic to your website

Last week I published the first part of this list Part one: 13 ideas to increase traffic to your website. Today, we’ve got part two with another 11 ideas! I know how important it is for you as an online business entrepreneur to drive more traffic to your website. I’m not going to bore you with an intro, let’s just get to it!

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