4 simple lessons on improving customer experiences (from product design)

I’ve worked as a product designer for many years before going freelance and settling on the niche of female service-based providers. Although you’re the one providing the services whereas a designer creates the product experience, there are still plenty of lessons and parallels between the two. That’s because principles surrounding customer experiences affect both.

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What in the world does brand storytelling mean?

Storytelling is quite a popular term nowadays. But what does it mean? When it comes to brand storytelling, such as using storytelling in marketing, it refers to the company using a narrative to connect the company with its customers and audiences. Basically, it’s when a company uses its values and mission in a story-like fashion to connect with its like-minded customers.

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How to make your brand sound like a human?

The other day, I watched a wonderful talk from Anna Pickard, who is Slack’s Director of Brand Communications. The talk is called “How to make brands sound human?” It was amazing and insightful, so go check it out if you have the time. Even though she’s focused on the tone and voice of brands, I think her points make a lot of sense to branding overall. All in all, she has amazing insight on branding.

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Why should small companies care about social capital?

Some experts, including Tristan Claridge, say that social capital is what distinguishes successful companies from the rest. I think Tristan is onto something. That’s because when a company possesses social capital it posses a network of supporters. Those supporters can come in a verity of forms from partnerships, employees and investors to press, influencers and, most importantly, paying customers.

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Why striving for happy clients is paramount to growth?

Have you ever thought about making your clients happy into a proper business goal? Customer satisfaction through improved customer experience is a beneficial business objective. At the end of the day, most businesses need happy clients in order to sustain themselves. There are numerous benefits of keeping client happiness as a business metric that we’ll dive into throughout this article.

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5 benefits of the copy-first approach for launching landing pages

As a web designer, I’ve come to think of launching projects differently over the years. I wanted to share with you this process and its benefits. It leads to more efficiency as well as better project management. However, the biggest reason I want to share it with you is that this copy-first approach yield significantly higher results specifically around conversion rates.

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